Buying a home: advice for foreigners

Buying a home: advice for foreigners

Buying a home in Sardinia and Italy: useful advice for foreigners
Buying a home in Italy can be an exciting experience, especially for foreigners wishing to enjoy the beauty and charm of the "Bel Paese". Especially Sardinia offers breathtaking views and a unique atmosphere. In this article, we will provide useful advice for foreigners who want to buy a home in Sardinia and in Italy in general, explaining the procedures, the necessary documents and how to approach the Italian real estate market.

Required documents and procedures

To buy a home in Italy as a foreigner, it is important to be aware of the necessary documents and procedures to follow:

1. Tax code: it is a unique alphanumeric code that identifies every individual in Italy. It is necessary for signing a sales contract and for registering the deed with the Income Revenue Agency.
2. Valid identity document (passport or identity card): to sign a sales contract, it is necessary to submit a valid identity document.
3. Deed of Origin: this document indicates the history of the property and guarantees that the dwelling is free of liens or mortgages.
4. Certificate of habitability: it certifies that the property complies with safety and hygiene requirements.
Approaching the Italian real estate market

To look for a home in Italy, you can consult online ads, visit real estate fairs or contact a real estate agency. A reliable and competent real estate agency is crucial for guiding foreigners through the complex purchasing procedures. In Sardinia, the real estate agency Maior Capital is a trusted reference for the north of the island.

Advantages of relying on Maior Capital

Relying on Maior Capital offers numerous advantages:

1. Knowledge of the local market: Maior Capital has in-depth knowledge of the real estate market in northern Sardinia and offers advice on ideal locations according to the client's needs.
2. Legal and fiscal assistance: the agency works with experts in the sector to ensure a secure transaction that complies with Italian law.
3. After-sales customer service: Maior Capital also assists customers after the purchase, offering support in the after-sales and property management phases.

Taxation on purchase

Buying a property in Italy involves the payment of taxes, which vary depending on the type of property and the buyer's tax residence. The main taxes are VAT, the registration tax, the mortgage tax and the cadastral tax.
Taxation for holding property in Italy

Taxes for owning a property in Italy vary according to the type of property and the tax residence of the owner. Among the most common are the IMU (Imposta Municipale Unica = Single Municipal Tax), the TASI (Tassa sui Servizi Indivisibili = Indivisible Services Tax) and the TARI (Tassa sui Rifiuti = Waste Tax).

In conclusion, buying a home in Sardinia and Italy can be a rewarding experience if you have adequate knowledge of the procedures and documents required. Relying on an experienced real estate agency like Maior Capital can facilitate this process and ensure a safe and satisfying purchase.

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